Daily Life > Religion & Faith

What should I know about culture and religion? Where can I practice my religion?
Basically granted by the Constitutional Law everyone in Germany has a right of free choice of religion. Everyone can therefore realize his self-chosen religion as long as it does not affect others negatively. In Germany, almost all world religions are represented and may be practiced. However, one must not offend or discriminate or persecute anyone because of his religion. Christianity is the most widespread religion in Germany with more than 60% of the believers. 34% of the Germans are denominational and therefore don’t officially belong to any religious community. 5% of the population is Muslim and 1% belong to other religions such as Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism.
Germany is a so-called secular state. This means that church and state are independent. Because of that the German rights and laws apply for everyone who lives here and are above the religious beliefs. Examples include equality between men and women or the integrity of life and limb. Nevertheless an appropriate degree of consideration is given to the needs of religious people and you can live your faith freely. You don’t have to be afraid that you are persecuted for your faith as the State will protect your right to religious practice. If you are attacked because of your religion, please call the police.
There are also some religious sects active in Germany, like Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons. Usually those communities are allowed under the protection of the freedom of religion as long as they don’t hurt neither their believers nor others. Still there are some sects with quite extreme believes. Please contact the police or a counselling center if you feel forced to do something against your will out of religious believe.
I am Christ.
Ich bin Christ.
I am Jewish.
Ich bin Jude.
I am Muslim.
Ich bin Muslim.
I am a Buddhist.
Ich bin Budhist.
I am a Hinduism.
Ich bin Hinduist.
Where can I pray?
Wo kann ich beten?
Where can I find a preacher?
Wo finde ich einen Geistlichen?
Where can I find other people of my religion?
Wo finde ich andere Menschen meiner Religion?
Where can I find the prayer room?
Wo befindet sich der Gebetsraum?
Where can I find the next church/mosque?
Wie gelange ich zur nächsten Kirche/zur nächsten Moschee?
Where can I find religious care?
Wo finde ich religiöse Betreuung?