Labour market > Employment contract

There are some things to consider, in order to avoid difficulties or misunderstandings at the signature of the employment contract.
In Germany, every job must be registered and be legally secured with a contract of employment. A work contract typically contains information such as the description of activities, within the scope of the activity to be work, weekly working time, the salary, leave entitlement etc. Under certain circumstances, a function description, which contains details about your work, your superiors and subordinates as well as specifically listed activities exists for your new job.
Upon receipt and if necessary examination of the employment contract an activity must be started officially. Therefore, you should always closely read an employment contract and talk this through with your new employer in case of doubt. There are offers - such as from employee associations, to individually check employment contracts trade unions and legal - expenses insurance.
Some large employers have agreements yet so-called coat with such as trade unions, professional associations, or the Works Council in addition to the individual contracts with individual employees. Should be referred on this jacket contracts in the contract of employment must these in writing delivered to you are.
The work constitutes the legal basis for any professional employment. Also relevance has only things that stands in the employment agreement - or if necessary in addition to signed additions - for example in the Labour Court.